Shipping management

Learn how to manage your shipping details with Carriers

Vânia Lourenço avatar
Written by Vânia Lourenço
Updated over a week ago

In Autodesk Fusion Operations you can choose and edit information of your shipping when you are connected with carriers to suit your shipping needs such as:

  • FedEx


  • UPS

If your account is connected to one or more carriers you will get the following page when printing shipping labels.

How to print shipping labels/ship with a carrier?

1. Select the sales orders you want to print the labels/ship (press an empty space in the sales order - where the arrow is pointing in the image below), in our case we will use SO-1 and SO-2.

2. After selecting the bulk action menu will appear

3. Choose Print documents -> Shipping Label/Bill of Lading and confirm.

4. Fulfil the needed information - service/weight/dimension:

  • Bulk options on the top left of the screen and it will fulfil the information in all the sales order and shippings you've selected before.

  • Individual buttons for each sales order if they have different characteristics

Note that the weight must always be entered manually on the presented screen, even though that information may have already been identified on the product page.

5. After all the needed information being fulfilled press 'Get rate' in each shipping:

Or for 'Calculate shippings rates' in the bottom of the page for all shippings and print your labels:

Typical errors:

  • No shipping service selected: check point 4

  • Packages must weigh more than zero pounds or Package x - Weight is missing or invalid: check point 4

  • The requested service is invalid from the selected origin: please confirm the origin and the service selected.

  • Not possible to verify the address - Ignore Address Verification: This happens when the ship engine cannot validate the address format. When the verification is ignored, a new rate is calculated, and an extra fee can be applied. It can be altered if needed, in the same screen.


1. The shipping service selected didn't pull, why?

The service will not pull, you always need to selected and calculate the rates in this option.

2. Can we see all the rate options for all carriers at once?

No, that option it's not available. Nevertheless you can test them one by one and compare the ratings before make your final selection and print the label.

3. I've the product weight defined but it's not appearing. Why?

For the weight in the product to be converted/added it needs to be "grams", "pound" or "ounce". Please note that the code and name need to be the same.

If after reading this article you still have some doubts, feel free to reach out to us through our Live-chat feature, or directly to your CSM.

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