Integration with QBD

Learn how use Fusion Operations in Quickbooks desktop and vice-versa

Vânia Lourenço avatar
Written by Vânia Lourenço
Updated over a week ago

Autodesk Fusion Operations allows integrate with Quickbooks online and desktop. These integrations are connections between the two applications that work together to share information among them. In this article, you can see what data flows and triggers are available.

Accessing the integration

To access the integration page, follow these steps:

1. Click on the User/company name and select 'Integrations'.

2. Select Quickbooks Desktop/Enterprise.

Setup Instructions:

If you have not yet set up QuickBooks Desktop in Fusion Operations, there are five steps you must follow before proceeding with its configuration. Once you have selected the QBD Integration, as outlined in the previous paragraph, please carefully review the set-up instructions provided below.

1. Install Agent

Firstly, you must select the highlighted link and proceed with the installation of Fusion Operations QuickBooks Agent (also known as Autofy).

2. Token

Once the installation is successfully completed, you should generate a new token by clicking on the "GENERATE TOKEN" button. Then, follow the three steps provided in the image below.

3. Test Connection

In order to assure that the communication between Fusion Operations and the Agent is correctly working, please select the button "TEST CONNECTION".

4. Authorize

To provide access to the information in QuickBooks Desktop/Enterprise for Fusion Operations QuickBooks Agent, press the button "REQUEST ACCESS".

In the QuickBooks Desktop/Enterprise application, the window in the image below is expected to open. You should choose the final option, as illustrated in the image.

5. Confirm

Ultimately, it is essential to verify that Fusion Operations possesses the ability to both retrieve and send data within QuickBooks Desktop/Enterprise. For that, please select the button "TEST ACCESS".

QuickBooks Desktop (QBD)

Send from Fusion Operations to Quickbooks Desktop

Below are presented the possible options to configure information flowing from Fusion Operations to Quickbooks Desktop.

Entity in Fusion Operations

Action in QBD

Sales Order

creates Sales Order

Purchase Order

creates Purchase order


creates Bill


creates Invoice

Production Order

creates Timesheet Entry


updates Inventory

The integration can be set as manual and/or automatic. Either way, you can always trigger the flow of information via a button for the entity to be sent to QBD. This button it's displayed on the corresponding Fusion Operations entities (as displayed below, for sales orders).

Retrieve from QuickBooks Desktop/Enterprise to Fusion Operations

The opposite flow is also possible. Below are presented the options to configure information flowing from Quickbooks Desktop to Fusion Operations.

Entity in QBD

Action in Fusion Operations

Sales Order

creates Sales Order

Purchase Order

creates Purchase Order


creates Sales Order

Integration Actions/Configurations

Retrieve Orders

The options above can be set automatically or not. If the automatic behavior is selected, the selected entities will be synced every 30 minutes. If the behavior is not set as automatic, users need to use the option "Retrieve Orders", in front of every option.

This feature triggers the sync in the selected options for orders that were modified/created after the specified date. All orders besides cancelled ones are retrieved by the integration.

Synchronization Interval Start and End Time

These two options are used to define a particular time interval for the orders to sync from QBD to Fusion Operations. The automatic option needs to be active for the synchronization to take place.

Create Timesheet Entry settings

When creating timesheet entries in QBD using Fusion Operations's data, there are some possible configurations, to access them check under advanced field.

  • Customer:Job

    • Production Order / Job Code

    • Production Order / Job Description

    • Operation Name

    • Section Name

Used to determine how to populate the customer:job in QBD in case it is not found.

  • Service item

    • Production Order / Job Code

    • Production Order / Job Description

    • Operation Name

    • Section Name

Used to populate the service item in QBD.

  • Payroll item

    • Production Order / Job Code

    • Production Order / Job Description

    • Operation Name

    • Section Name

Used to populate the payroll item in QBD.

  • Create missing employee

Used to create employees if those aren't found in QBD. When employees are created, those will have the employee name in QBD populated using the worker name in Fusion Operations.

  • Create missing customer job

Used to create the customer job in case it doesn't exist in QBD. It will be created according to the selected option in "Customer:Job".

  • Set "Billable" to true when submitting time entries

Sets the time entries as billable when creating timesheet entries in QBD, allowing to generate worker paychecks.

Inventory Sync options

The inventory sync allows you to send the inventory from Fusion Operations to QBD. The information trigger can only be manual.

  • To send the inventory for all products, you must use the inventory menu bulk actions ("Send All Inventory to Quickbooks"). You can see how to use bulk actions in this article.

  • To send the inventory for a single product, you must edit the product, and the option "Update Inventory in Quickbooks" will be displayed on the top right corner.

When sending the inventory from Fusion Operations to QBD, the options below are displayed. Their explanation is provided below.

  • Adjustment Account

Required field. Represents the account in your chart of accounts to track your adjustments. This will be the adjustment account to which all the inventory changes will be made.

  • Adjustment Memo

Comment that will be added on the inventory adjustment records. You can use this to identify the adjustments made by Autodesk Fusion Operations.

  • Only Sync the Inventory for products marked with the Quickbooks Tag

This option allows you to define a rule regarding which products should have the inventory adjusted in QBD. To set this up, please contact the support team.

  • Custom field to match quickbooks item

If enabled, this will be the name of the product custom field whose value will be used to match the QBD item name, instead of the Fusion Operations product code.

Additional options

  • Create missing items

    • IncomeAccountId

    • IncomeAccountFullName

Allows to create missing products in Quickbooks Desktop end entity for Purchase orders. If you need help to know your Income Account Id please reach out to us. The Income Account Full Name must be filled with the account full name in QBD.

  • Quickbooks Item Line Description

    • Product Name

    • Product Observations

    • Shipping/Receiving Product Observations

Used to populate the item description in QBD end entity. If the option "product name" is selected, it can also be used to populate the Fusion Operations product name if the product doesn't exist on Fusion Operations's side (the products are always created in Fusion Operations).

  • Quickbooks Document Number (1)

    • Order Code

    • QBD generated (sequential) - Default

Used to set if the document number in QBD end entity migrates from Fusion Operations entity, or if is a sequential number (generated by QBD).

  • Quickbooks Customer Name (2)

    • Empty (=customer code) - Default

    • Marketplace Name

    • QB Customer Custom Field

Used to populate the customer name on QBD end entity. The option "QB Customer Custom Field" can be set on the marketplace integration page, field "Quickbooks Customer".

  • Quickbooks Document Creation Date (3)

    • Empty (=Transfer Date, if end entity in QBD is sales order, =Creation Date, if end entity in QBD is Purchase Order, Invoice, or Bill)

    • Document Date

    • Synchronization Date

Used to populate the document creation date on QBD's end entity.

  • QuickBooks Document Ship Date (4)

    • Empty (nothing will be sent)

    • Due Date

Used to populate the document ship date on QBD's end entity.

  • Save QBD Custom Field to Fusion Operations Custom Field

    • QuickBooks Custom Field Name

    • Fusion Operations Custom Field Name

Used to migrate the custom field in QBD start entity to Fusion Operations's end entity.

  • Ignore Category Names on Products Import

Used to prevent the product's category on QuickBooks to migrate to the product code in Fusion Operations when products are created in Fusion Operations.

  • Save PS Custom Field to QB Field

    • QuickBook Custom field Name 1-3

    • Fusion Operations Custom Field Name 1-3

It is used to transfer data from Custom Fields in Fusion Operations to corresponding Custom Fields in QBD. To make this transfer happen, you need to have the option "Save Fusion Operations Entity Code to Quickbooks Custom Field" selected and identify the custom field name in QBD (QuickBook Custom Field 1) and its corresponding one in Fusion Operations (Fusion Operations Custom Field 1). It's important to note that the field names are case sensitive.

This option is allowed in the following flows: Sales Order to Sales Order, Purchase Order to Purchase order, Receiving to Bill, and Shipping to Invoice.


1. What happens if after sending a Sales Order from QBD to Fusion Operations that same sales order is updated on the QBD end?

In these cases the information won't be updated in Fusion Operations. The update needs to be done manually.

2. How can I create several shippings for the same sales order in Fusion Operations?

The creation of several shippings in one sales order isn't supported.

3. It is possible to create Products when sending information from Fusion Operations to QBD, and vice-versa?

The creation of products is only available when sending information from Quickbooks to Fusion Operations. When using the actions Purchase Order (QBD) creates Purchase Order (Fusion Operations), Estimate creates Sales Order, and Invoice creates Sales Order you can ignore the products category names.

If the product in Fusion Operations doesn't exist in QBD, the action won't work.

4. If I want to change the sync for QBD to another computer what do I need to do?

You should reach out to us in order to disconnect the existing QBD configuration, generate a new token and after that you can setup QBD in the new computer.

5. Can I use the integration if my company is outside of the United States?

You can use the QBD integration if your company is located outside of the US to send information from QBD to Fusion Operations. In case you'd like to send data from Fusion Operations to QBD you won't be able to do so.

6. Can I transfer partial quantities in shippings (invoices) and receivings (bills) of sales orders and purchase orders, correspondently?

No. The creation of partial invoices and bills is not supported at the moment. Every time an invoice or bill is created it will always contain the quantity ordered on the corresponding sales order or purchase order.

7. When I ship a sales order in Fusion Operations it then closes the production and sales order in Fusion Operations but remains as an open sales order in QuickBooks Desktop.

Is there an option that allows a sales order to be automatically closed (on QBD end) when an invoice is created from a shipping?

When a Sales Order has been fully invoiced, when every row has been invoiced for the full quantity, the "Mark as Closed" button becomes disabled because clicking it wouldn't do anything.
The point of the Mark as Closed button is to force an un-invoiced or partially-invoiced Sales Order into a closed state. All it seems to do is add a checkmark to every row of the Sales Order that doesn't have one already. And, once you've done that, the button label toggles to Mark it as Open, which reverses the procedure. But these actions only apply to un-invoiced or partially-invoiced line items on the Sales Order. The checkmarks stay put for fully invoiced line items.

If after reading this article you still have some doubts, feel free to reach out to us through our Live-chat feature, or directly to your CSM.

Need help? Request a Fusion Operations expert to contact you here.

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